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10/08/2013 №8

Ушанева Юлия Сергеевна


The article describes basic conditions for development of professional aspects of thinking as part of artists-teachers preparation. The author specifies psychological, welfare and professional factors influencing this process. Special attention is given to the concept “creative artistic thinking” and its role in the technique of professional art education. The author considers the main research works, devoted to this issue. The article also includes examples of developing such kind of thinking in fine arts classes. This experience can be applied in practical classes.

Key words

professional thinking, creative artistic thinking, psychology of perception, an artistic image, professional perception skills.


1. Dewey, J., 1999. Psychology and Pedagogy of Thinking. (The way we think), Translated from English by N.M. Nikolskaya. M.: published by Labirint: 6 (rus). 2. Dewey, J. Op. cit.: 10. 3. Dewey, J. Op. cit.: 66. 4. Kuzin, V.S., 2005. Psychology of Painting. Moscow: published by ONIKS 21 Vek: 188 (rus). 5. Kuzin, V.S. Op. cit.: 190. 6. Kuzin, V.S. Op. cit.: 190. 7. Kuzin, V.S. Op. cit.: 190. 8. Kuzin, V.S. Op. cit.: 188. 9. Volkov, N.N., 1985. Color in Painting, Ed. by I.A. Shkirich. M.: published by Iskusstvo: 4 (rus). 10. Pavlov, I.P., 1951. Complete Set of Works. M.: published by AN USSR, 3 (2): 338 (rus). 11. Arnheim, R., 2004. Art and Visual Perception. University of California Press: 25. 12. Eco, U., 2002. Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages. Yale Note Bene: 46. 13. Wilmerding, J., 1983. Important Information Inside: the Art of John F. Peto and the Idea of Still-life Painting in Nineteenth-century America.

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