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10/06/2014 №6

Назарчук Ольга Александровна


The article describes some features of student self-management as technologies of civil activity development of pupils in educational space of school. The author analyses approaches of national researchers to the given problem, its influence on the processes of education and personal development. The following structural components in the system of student self-management are mentioned: motivation and target, substantial, functional, reflective, the ones which allow realizing humanistic ideas and creating conditions for formation of civil activity of pupils. Specificity of the organization and activity of student self-management as technologies of civil activity is stated. Its stages include: 1) organizational, creation of bodies of student self-management; 2) full self-management with development of public opinion; 3) focus on interests of group, collective, public problems, wide legislative activity.

Key words

student's self-management, civil activity, technology of civil activity formation, principles of student self-management, bodies of student management.


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