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12/07/2018 №7

Агасиева Ира Рамазановна
Мамедова Гульнара Буллуховна


Nowadays innovative technologies make an essential contribution to the quality of education, despite their restrictions. Mobile phones are one of the most successful technologies created over the last two decades. Though the topic of their use is regularly covered in the literature devoted to foreign language teaching, at the moment they cannot be referred to as the main platform. In this respect, the authors of the paper believe that mobile phones can be used to support interactivity in the classroom, create more active learning environment and solve the problem of direct Internet access. Besides, phones will provide feedback for teachers as well as enhance students’ motivation. The authors believe that mobile technologies can be connected with traditional and innovative ways of teaching and will make a positive contribution to education.

Key words

mobile devices, phone, Internet, foreign language, e-mail, short-message service, innovations.


1. Ansari, M.S., Z.A. Channar and A. Syed, 2012. Mobile phone adoption and appropriation among the young generation. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 41: 265-272. 2. Bristol, T.J., 2018. Students, take out your phones. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 13 (3): 145-146. 3. Christensen, R. and G. Knezek, 2017. Readiness for integrating mobile learning in the classroom: Challenges, preferences and possibilities. Computers in Human Behavior, 76: 112-121. 4. Dias, J., 2002. CELL phones in the classroom: Boon or bane? C@lling Japan, 10 (2). URL: http://jaltcall. org/cjo/10_1.pdf. 5. Gao, Q. et al., 2014. To ban or not to ban: Diff erences in mobile phone policies at elementary, middle, and high schools. Computers in Human Behavior, 38: 25-32. 6. Kates, A.W., H. Wu and C.L.S. Coryn, 2018. The eff ects of mobile phone use on academic performance: A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 127: 107-112. 7. O’Bannon, B.W. and K. Thomas, 2014. Teacher p

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