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01/06/2017 №6
The use of internet services and technologies in foreign language teaching

Опрышко Анна Анатольевна
Трач Анастасия Сергеевна


The article discusses some advantages of the use of certain Internet services and technologies in foreign language teaching. The authors analyze data on popularity of multiuser websites among students. It has enabled the researchers to state a number of the most significant social networks from the point of view of educational process. The authors describe how the use of social networks helps to organize effective learning. The paper also touches upon such Internet tools as clouds of Key words and video-scribing and their role in foreign language teaching. The authors give outline to the key resources which allow to make educational process more efficient and to adapt it to specific students’ needs.

Key words

social networks, informaton and com-municatve technologies, Internet resources, Internet services, clouds of Key words, video-scribing.


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