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01/06/2017 №6
Сarrying out “digital century school” project

Дикалова Татьяна Александровна
Захарова Лилия Геннадьевна
Шаповалова Лариса Ивановна


The article claims the urgent need and efficiency of applying information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching at school. According to the paper, it can be explained by innovative transformations of modern Russian school aiming at new, high quality education. Teachers search for new efficient ways of developing a modern individual that belongs to a new cultural type, who skillfully uses information and communication media technologies. In this respect, informatiza-tion of organizations that provide general education is a topical issue. The authors state that it is possible to solve these problems only by creation certain information developing environment. The article describes innovative pedagogical project “Digital Century School” which reveals opportunities of the use of web quests, Skype, “Hot Potatoes” service and online tests in school academic setting.

Key words

informatzaton of educaton, informa-ton and communicaton technologies, technology of a web quest, design actvity, lesson teleconference, web project, tool program service, online test, Hot Potatoes program, Skype.


1. Abrakova, I.Yu. and L.I. Shapovalova, 2017. The use of “Hot Potatoes” program in teaching 9th grade pupils lexical aspect of a foreign language. In: Informaton technologies in research space of mult-structural languages: collected artcles of the I Internatonal Internet Conference (рр. 105-108). Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University. (rus) 2. Azimov, E.G. and A.N. Schukin, 2009.New dictonary of methodical terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching). Moscow: IKAR. (rus) 3. Gusarov, A.A. and G.S. Prokofevа, 2012. Creaton of electronic tests in the “Hot Potatoes” service. Tver: Tver State Technical University. (rus) 4. Zakharova, L.G., 2012. Essence and features of informaton developing environment of innovatve school. News-Bulletn of Southern Federal University. Pedagogical Sciences, 6: 163-168. (rus) 5. Konkina, T.E. Use of modern information technologies at English lessons. URL: http:// 6.

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