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01/04/2017 №4

Воевода Елена Владимировна
Глебова Татьяна Александровна


The article is devoted to linguistic and sociocultural problems of teaching foreign languages to overseas students. The authors consider the difficulties which foreign students come across in the conditions of trilingual educational discourse in terms of typological classification of the family and the languages learned. Comparative analysis shows that foreign students are forced to overcome additional difficulties caused by typological characteristics of their native languages (especially agglutinative). It partly explains slower progress in language acquisition in comparison to Russian-speaking students. Additional barrier in learning is concerned with the specifics of ethno cultural attitude. It is noted in the article that linguistic education of foreign students for professional purposes is a complicated process of shaping polylingual competence which includes linguistic and linguacultural components.

Key words

trilingual, foreign languages, agglu-t nat ve language, nat ve language, interference, lacunarity.


1. Arbuzova, I.I., 2013. Language interference and its account in teaching the subject “Russian Preposi-t ons of Space” in foreign audience. Bullet n of Tyumen State University, 1: 143–150. (rus) 2. Belogurov, A.Yu., 2009. Educat on priorit es in the course of preparat on of a modern expert. Pedagogical Educat on and Science, 5: 20–25. (rus) 3. Voyevoda, E.V., 2015. Communicat on barriers of the educat onal space of BRICS. Internat onal processes, 13 (43): 108–121. (rus) 4. Voyevoda, E.V., 2010. Teaching linguaculture and communicat on in the condit ons of globalizat on. Language and communicat on in the context of culture: Materials of the 5th Internat onal Research Conference Ryazan: Ryazan State University named af er S.A. Esenin: 36–41. (rus) 5. Voyevoda, E.V., 2009. Development of students’ tolerance by means of a foreign language. Russian Scient fi c Journal, 11: 55–60. (rus) 6. Voyevoda, E.V., 2007. Sociocultural competences in professional preparation

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