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01/11/2016 №11

Беляев Александр Владимирович


The article analyzes the methodical aspects of teaching technical disciplines to undergraduates. Special attention in the article is paid to considering theoretical grounding and practical recommendations on the issue of technology of learning technical disciplines by undergraduates. According to the paper, professional education at the present stage of social development refers to the field of high innovative activity. New teaching technologies, active methods, teaching forms and means are actively incorporated into academic setting. Several approaches to elaboration of innovative technologies of teaching have been worked out. However, the existing teaching technologies have low innovation potential. As a rule, they include various combinations of the known methods, forms, means of teaching and learning. The author comes to the conclusion that new techniques of teaching technical disciplines are highly necessary.

Key words

bachelor degree, technical disciplines, professional educat on, methodical act vit es of a teacher.


1. Balina, L.V., A.V. Belyaev and A.A. Kots, 2012. Preparat on of addit onal educat on teachers in baccalaureate of tert ary pedagogical inst tut ons in the Rostov region (Russia). European Social Science Journal, 9-2: 89–93. (rus) 2. Belyaev, A.V., 2015. Andragogical technology of teaching technical disciplines in baccalaureate of higher educat onal establishments. 21 century: fundamental science and technology VII: Proceedings of the Conference. North Charleston, SC, USA, River 29–33. (rus) 3. Belyaev, A.V., 2016. Agglomeration at gradient temperatures. Rostov-on-Don. (rus) 4. Belyaev, A.V. and A.E. Blokhin, 2014. Features of teaching technical disciplines at Master’s Programs in higher professional inst tut ons. News-Bullet n of Southern Federal University. Pedagogical Sciences, 12: 94–99. (rus) 5. Belyaev, A.V. and A.N. Tresnitskaya, 2015. Dem-onstrat on tutorials and methods of their use at classes in technical disciplines. Bullet n of modern science, 12-2: 37–3

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