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01/10/2016 №10

Пугач Варвара Анатольевна


The article covers theoretical and practical issues of the search for well-balanced development of the left and right brain hemispheres in the context of manifestation of logical thinking and creative imagination. The author claims that there is a certain psychological and pedagogical problem of discrepancy between the former teaching methods and creative process of the modern conditions and phenomena, especially in connection with the changes in terms of the time factor. The author reflects on the role of a problem situation as a tool for development of logical thinking and creative imagination. The paper describes the nature of teaching activities of students of creative and technical fields of studies and raises the question of prevalence of gender asymmetry. Finally, the author suggests a set of teaching techniques aimed at well-balanced development of both logical and creative thinking skills of the right and left brain hemispheres.

Key words

balance of the lef and right hemispheres, logical thinking, creat ve imaginat on, graphic act vit es.


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