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01/09/2016 №9

Недюрмагомедов Георгий Гаджимирзоевич
Раджабова Раиса Валиевна


Civil education has a defining influence on social status of a citizen. In this connection, development of the basics of the civic culture belongs to the key priorities of civil education in Dagestan. Civic culture integrally unites political, legal, moral and esthetic values. It lays the foundation for the general culture of every citizen and makes him/her aware of the civil rights and responsibilities as well as the place which belongs to every person in solving tasks that modern society faces. Civic competence is the objective and outcome of the development of civic culture. The article proves the need to develop civic competence of pupils proceeding from well-established in pedagogical theory and practice competence-based approach. According to the paper, the structure of civic competence includes cognitive, emotional, value, motivational and activity-based components. Development of these aspects enables to prepare modern pupils for responsible and active independent activity in t

Key words

civic consciousness, civil educat on, civic culture, civic competence, the model of forming civic competence.


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