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01/09/2016 №9

Зайналова Лариса Арабшаховна
Каракаш Юлия Юрьевна


The article analyzes the use of computer teaching means which leads to certain changes in methodology of using teaching means and technologies at Dagestan secondary schools. The main objectives of these changes is to provide efficient academic setting, improve practical skills of pupils, make academic process learner-centered, raise interest to sciences and humanitarian school disciplines and increase motivation of pupils. Covering the aspect of classification, the authors mention four groups of computer teaching means differentiated by the “pedagogical tasks” that they are supposed to solve. Electronic textbook is one of these means. The article also touches upon the difficulties a teacher faces while working with computers in the classroom and a number of psychological, pedagogical and methodical tasks associated with them. Despite a number of evident advantages, working with computers in the classroom means dealing with a number of shortcomings to be taken into account.

Key words

computer technologies, computer means, electronic means of teaching, electronic textbook.


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