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01/08/2016 №8

Абакумова Ирина Владимировна
Барсукова Оксана Владимировна
Генердукаева Зоя Шаваловна
Осипова Алла Анатольевна


The article provides analysis of ambition as a psychological barrier in various directions of foreign psychology. Psychological barrier is defined as an inner barrier which impedes development of the person and his relations with other people. Protective mechanisms of personality and inferiority complex are examples of psychological barriers. Ambition as a psychological barrier is the aspiration of an individual to recognition which interferes with personal development, activity, communication and interaction with people. S. Freud and A. Freud laid the foundation of researches into the issue of a psychological barrier in general and ambition as a psychological barrier in particular in foreign psychology. Further this approach to ambition is continued by representatives of humanistic psychoanalysis, existential psychology, and psychiatry. As for the indicators which enable to consider ambition as a psychological barrier, they include degree of expressiveness, degree of sensibleness, deg

Key words

ambit on, aspirat on, psychological barrier, psychological protect on, neurot c need, inferiority complex, character accentuation, neurosis, style of upbringing.


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