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The order of review articles in the journal
"Proceedings of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences "


on the procedure for the review of articles received for publication in the scientific and pedagogical magazine "Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences"

  1. Articles submitted articles with the recall, reviews of Doctor of Science.
  2. Editor in Chief determines reviewers - doctors, is a leading expert on the issue of the paper.
  3. The reviewer should know all the requirements for registration of scientific articles.
  4. A reviewer in a critical comment on article should:
    1. indicate whether the text (as part of the study), new content, whether an actual research topic
    2. to determine the logical structure of the text of the article: does the author of the introductory part, reveals whether the main part of the thesis introduction, whether in the presence of conclusion, a conclusion; and track - in general whether the content of the title of article
    3. to assess the quality of work
    4. point defects (if any) and how to overcome them;
    5. specify stylistic errors
    6. to draw a conclusion about the possibility / impossibility of publication of this article.
  5. The reviewer is solely responsible for evaluating the article.
  6. Review signed by the reviewer.
  7. Review conducted confidentially. Review provided to the author by his written request without a signature and the name, position, place of work of the reviewer, and upon request of the Russian Federation in the WAC.

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