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01/04/2015 №4

Барадакова Нина Викторовна


The article deals with the results of empirical study into students’ implications about values of private life. The author states that the issues of privacy have hardly been the subject of scientific reflection in psychological science. According to the author, substantial analysis of parameters which define elements of privacy allows to understand that it is formed with elements which are naturally intertwined in students’ life. They are perceived as something “close” and “dear”. It is revealed that something that has the status of private, personal and intimate is preferable in daily life. While characterizing privacy, students highly estimate safety and vulnerability. The author of the article pays attention to the fact that the important feature of students’ ideas about values of privacy is considering it as a resource. Privacy is treated as the most convenient jumping-off place for strategic planning of the vital activity in public sphere.

Key words

students, privacy, implicat ons, not onal universals, vital priorit es, values.


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