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01/04/2015 №4

Скударёва Галина Николаевна
Шишова Галина Геннадьевна


The article raises the problem of priority of education in the context of the processes of modernization and development of society in the global and geopolitical contexts in terms of post-industrialization philosophy. Purposes of the Russian state educational policy and priorities of the state in the field of modern education are analyzed. Crisis aspects of the system of Russian education are mentioned and their dependence on universal tendencies is proved. Potential outcomes are predicted and positive prospects of development of the Russian education in the context of public modernization are defined in the article. In opinion of the authors, search for optimum combination of the state and public aspects for the sake of individual, society and authorities, active dialogue between the state and society in promotion of innovative ideas, provisions, conceptual bases of public pedagogy and its subjects, socially focused education and socially-pedagogical partnership of educational and lo

Key words

educat on, crisis, state policy, globali-zat on, prospects of the Russian educat on, public modernizat on


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