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01/04/2015 №4

Тарабрина Ирина Викторовна


The article provides the results of research into some aspects of special endurance of the Greco-Roman style wrestlers. The author provides grounds for the use of a special method for developing endurance of athletes-wrestlers. Competition, being the heart matter of Greco-Roman wrestling, determines objectives and key aspects of training wrestlers for good performance. Currently overall preparation of Greco-Roman wrestlers to compete focuses on technical improvements, while development of special endurance and speed strength are ignored. However, fights of equally strong wrestlers need special high endurance and explosive power, especially during the first minutes of the fight. General endurance of the wrestlers serves as the basis for developing special endurance. Thus, the main principle of general endurance training is to use the best possible range of motor activities with gradual increase in the duration of their performance. In this case, greater number of muscle groups begins to

Key words

special endurance of fighters of Greco-Roman style, technical perfect on, training of sportsmen.


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