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10/04/2014 №4

Разаханова Венера Пирмагомедовна


Materials of the given article reflect the role of game and case-study technologies in the system of methodical preparation of students - future teachers of biology in pedagogical higher school. The system of methodical preparation of a teacher includes a set of functional and structural components which generate integrative qualities teacher’s personality referred to as professional readiness. The use of pedagogical games in the system of preparation of students-biologists to professional work enabl es to set a social context of the future professional work in training, to reveal and fix essential features of the studied phenomena, to carry out their analysis and construction of theoretically proved generalized schemes of actions and operations. Case-study technologies are peculiar activity of cognitive activity of students which reveal close connection between theory and practice, focus on methods of analysis and meeting challenges, develop reflection, build up atmosphere of cooperat

Key words

technique of teaching a subject, methods of teaching biology, vocational training, methodical preparation, pedagogical technologies.


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