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12/08/2018 №8

Дьяконов Юрий Александрович
Желдоченко Людмила Дмитриевна


The article deals with teachers’ behavior in a stressful situation. The authors analyze specific features of professional activity of pedagogical workers. It is noted that pedagogical activity is characterized by a high stress level and intense psycho-emotional interaction with educational process participants. According to the paper, longer years in profession inevitably lead to violation of professional norms and can be revealed in such professional deformation as aggressive behavior. The authors provide theoretical analysis of coping-strategies in psychological and pedagogical scientific literature. Results of an empirical research into strategies of overcoming stress in pedagogical profession are presented. The interrelation between coping-strategy and forms of aggressive behavior of teachers of technical college is revealed. It is proved that increase in aggression indicators means narrower repertoire of constructive strategies for stress overcoming behavior of teachers. The resul

Key words

stress-generating professional activity, professionalizing, professional deformation, coping-strategy, aggressive behavior, forms of aggression.


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