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12/11/2017 №12
The championship of professional WorldSkills as the tool for shaping cross-cultural competence of teacher training college students

Рогова Антонина Викторовна
Нестерова Татьяна Анатольевна


The article covers pedagogical conditions for developing cross-cultural competence of teacher training college students by means of introduction of the international standards of WorldSkills (Young professionals) into academic process. The authors claims the significance of finding the right balance between the Federal State Educational Standards, the professional standard and the WorldSkills standard for increasing prestige of working professions and development of professional education. Relying on experience of work with students who major in “Teaching in Primary Classes”, the authors dwells on updating of sociocultural potential of the content of teaching at foreign language classes, the use of modern interactive technologies broadening the sphere of cross-cultural communication, creation of dialogical saturated space of extracurricular activities all of which enhance development of cross-cultural competence.

Key words

cross-cultural competence, Federal State Educatonal Standard, professional standard, WorldSkills standard, foreign language classes, extracurricular actvites, interactve technologies.


1. Federal state educatonal standard of secondary professional educaton in the specialty 44.02.02 Teaching in primary classes. URL: http://www. (rus) 2. Professional standard “The teacher (pedagogical actvity in preschool, primary general, main gen- eral, secondary general educaton)”. URL: htp:// минобрнауки.рф/. (rus) 3. Goryunova, L.V., 2006. Professional mobility of an expert as a problem of developing educaton of Russia: Doctoral Thesis in Pedagogy. Rostov-on-Don. (rus) 4. Yelizarova, G.V. , 2005. Culture and foreign languages teaching. St. Petersburg: KARO. (rus) 5. Mirolyubov, A.A. (Ed.), 2010. Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditons and present. Obninsk: Titul. (rus) 6. Nesterova, T.A. Formaton of cross-cultural competence in professional socializaton of students of a teacher training college. URL: htp:// dissers/. (rus) 7. Rogov, E.I., 1999. Personal and professional development of the teacher in pedagogical

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