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01/04/2017 №4

Кара Жанна Юрьевна
Касьянова Дарья Владимировна


The article deals with tolerant relations at preschool age which, according to the authors, isn’t paid sufficient attention to. The authors believe that it is necessary to investigate this problem since development of tolerant relations at preschool age will favorably affect psychological development of the child in general. The attention is focused on the researches that prove that the earlier is the age of a child, when the issue of tolerance is raised, the deeper understanding of the problem the child will develop. The article shares findings of psychological research into the tolerant relations of pupils and teachers of preschool child care facilities. According to them, the problem of communicative interaction is urgent, aspirations of various people are different and it is important to transfer positive experience of tolerant interaction.

Key words

preschool age, tolerance, tolerant relat ons, tolerance level, pictorial test.


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