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12/02/2018 №2

Антонова Юлия Викторовна


The article is devoted to the research of information culture in the context of different social domains. Particular emphasis is placed on polysemy of the term “information culture”. In this connection, the author dwells on the essence of information culture in terms of an individual, a social group, society and global information space. Information culture of the personality is considered as the culture of information perception of an individual, including specifics of one’s cognitive interests, values, purposes, biological and social abilities, information activities. The concept of information culture in the context of social groups is studied through the prism of specifics of information perception and information activities of a certain set of members of this group. The author gives an example of the information culture of students who major in foreign affairs as the unique social phenomenon. The exclusiveness of information culture of students majoring in foreign affairs is expla

Key words

information culture of an individual, social group, society and global information space, student majoring in foreign aff airs, environmental component, polycultural environment, tolerant perception, primary socialization.


1. Bauman, Z, 2005. The individualized society. Moscow: Lоgos. (rus) 2. Gagarin, A.V. and LK. Raitskaya, 2013. Development of the information personality in activity: environmental component. Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Psychology and Pedagogics, 3: 5-13. (rus) 3. Dulatova, A.N. and N.B. Zinovyeva, 2007. Information culture of the personality: teaching manual. Moscow: Libereya-Bibinform. (rus) 4. Raitskaya, L.K., 2013. The didactic concept of independent educational cognitive activity of students in the Internet environment: abstract of Doctoral Thesis in Pedagogy. Moscow. (rus) 5. Raitskaya, LK., 2010. Essence and formation of foreign-language information competence in higher school. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 20: Pedagogical Education, 2: 28-36. (rus) 6. Svirskaya, D.A., 2017. Professional competence of future foreign aff airs specialists: crisis of the modern paradigm. In: Modern education: topical issues, achievements and innovations (рр. 2

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