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01/02/2016 №2

Ярошук Дмитрий Вадимович


The article argues that the problem of emotional stability is an interdisciplinary phenomenon which is studied at a large scale in a number of sciences. The author provides some arguments to prove that adequate and promising approach in this area of studies states that emotional stability can be understood as a personality trait based on a complex of mental manifestations. The author of the article explains that emotional stability includes ability to integrate the subject features of the person related to different manifestations of the mental sphere and is considered as a complex structure which has associations with different levels of mental organization of an individual. It significantly expands the range of phenomena which can be employed for the substantial analysis of emotional stability.

Key words

emot onal stability, behavior, extreme situat on, military personnel, life act vity, stressful situat ons, product ve behavior, disorientat on, psychological portraiture.


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